LAKEHURST, N.J. — Beacon of LIFE PACE Center Ocean County will celebrate its grand opening on Thursday, September 29 from 2 pm to 5 pm. The Center offers eligible seniors support services to allow them to comfortably age at home. It is located at 800 Route 70, Lakehurst, NJ 08733.
Lakehurst Mayor Harry Robbins and other special guests will attend the ribbon cutting followed by refreshments, giveaways, and tours of the facility. The event is open to seniors, caregivers, community organizations, neighbors, and job seekers.
“Beacon of LIFE PACE Center Ocean County is an outstanding alternative to nursing home care,” said Greg Pulley, Center Director. “We are a reliable, professional, senior-friendly drop-in center dedicated to helping our participants be independent in their homes for as long as possible. We give them and their caregivers critical support.”
Eligible individuals must live in Ocean County, be 55-years of age or older, eligible for nursing home care, and able to live safely in the community alone or with caregivers.
Participants can choose from a wide range of preventive, primary, acute, and long-term care. “We offer a team of healthcare professionals who get to know you and your goals,” said Bobbi Runyon, Executive Director for Beacon of LIFE PACE’s Monmouth County and Ocean County locations. “There is a day center with activities and meals, and also social services, physical, occupational, and speech therapies, hairdressers, and much more.”
An enrollment specialist from Beacon of LIFE PACE will assess the needs of participants in their homes. Services may include housekeeping, meals, and assistance with showers or bathing. Caregivers may also turn to Beacon of LIFE for respite, as needed.
An Interdisciplinary Team considers the participant’s and caregiver’s needs, recommends services, and creates an ongoing relationship with the participant. Medicaid completely covers the cost of the program; Medicare covers a portion, including Medicare Part D drug coverage. Private pay is also an option to join PACE. Beacon of LIFE provides all transportation to the PACE Center for activities or medical appointments.
“We’re excited that the Grand Opening September 29 coincides with National PACE month,” said Mary Austin, CEO of BoldAge, which operates Beacon of LIFE PACE in New Jersey as well as PACE programs in three other states. “Beacon of LIFE is helping older adults live happily and healthfully in their own homes for as long as possible.”
PACE programs serve approximately 60,000 participants across the U.S. More than 96 percent of family caregivers of older adults report they are satisfied with the support they receive through PACE, and 97.5 percent would recommend PACE to someone in a similar situation.