JACKSON TOWNSHIP, NJ – An application has been submitted to the Township of Jackson by Glory’s Market Inc., to expand the existing liquor store’s plenary license into an adjacent storage shed.
What it says
NOTICE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL TOWNSHIP OF JACKSON PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Application has been made to the governing body of the Township of Jackson for a Place-to-Place (expansion of licensed premises to include a storage shed for Glorys Market INC. holder of Plenary Retail Distribution License # 1511-44-018-003 for premises located at 574 Cedar Swamp Rd, Jackson New Jersey, including expansion of licensed premises To include a storage shed heretofore issued to Glorys Market for the premises now located at 584 Cedar Swamp Rd, Jackson New Jersey. The names and addresses of the individuals holding more than 1% of the ownership interest are as follows: George Glory 323 Butterfly Rd Jackson, NJ Walter Glory 2 Rachel Court Jackson NJ Objections, if any, should be made immediately in writing to Mary Moss, Jackson Township Municipal Bldg, 95 W. Veterans Hwy. Jackson, NJ 08527 Glorys Market Inc. Applicant BY: Clara Glory Treasurer ($25.52)
What it means
The owners of Glory’s Market seek to expand the premises of their existing liquor license coverage at the existing liquor store to include a story shed on-site at the location.